Helen Wright
Development Coordinator
I have worked at EDG since 1991. I am currently a Development Co-ordinator but have had different roles throughout the years at EDG including Information Officer and Advocacy Worker. I have a background in Community Development and studied Community Education at Edinburgh University (B.A.C.E). I also have a great interest in advocacy, particularly in self advocacy and collective advocacy, working for many years supporting individuals and groups of people with learning disabilities to have their voices heard, both with EDG and with Powerful Partnerships.
I am experienced in graphic facilitation and in person centred planning and have been using these tools to help people to explore their dreams, gifts and skills, and future plans for over 20 years. I am passionate about everyone being able to live the lives they want, their best lives, and for everyone to get the equality of opportunity to do this.
I am excited to work with the individuals and families in Our Future in Our Hands in coming together to explore becoming care cooperatives.