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Keys To The Door

For professionals  


The resources can be used by you to –


  • initiate a discussion or in direct response to being asked about this issue by parent/carers within a support group you facilitate

  • initiate or respond to questions from parent/carers on an individual basis

  • learn about the views of parents/carers and develop your own understanding and implications for practice


This resource therefore includes information and guidance for anyone wishing to run a formal session to address the issues. You can download all the guidance material here or as required as you make your way through the project page

1. Guidance notes
2. Template Programme Timetable
3. Evaluation form (PDF)

Acknowledging EDG (Edinburgh Development Group)


The film, clips and website materials have been developed by EDG with funding from The Robertson Trust and The MacDonald Trust. Parents gave their time to the making of the film and clips in a desire to help other parents and carers to think about some of the issues involved in moving their children on to greater independence from them. For all the parents this was an emotional experience. It is important therefore that when you are using the films for any purpose including facilitating groups and training, that the work of EDG and the contributions made by the parents are fully acknowledged and credited by you and your organisation

Using the film and video clips in a group


The resource includes a short film (18 minutes) and six/seven short video clips.

If you are facilitating a group discussion then you can use the resource to -

  • introduce the topic of future planning

  • pose questions to encourage discussion about what group members have seen and heard

  • work through the reflective questions that accompany the film and clips

It is important to share the reasons why the project was developed to 'set the scene' for your viewers.

Why the project was developed


EDG has been working with people with learning disability and their families for over 25 years. From this work we - 


  • know the importance and value of people connecting with each other to share experiences and learn from each other


  • know that sometimes putting older and younger parent carers together can present some challenges


  • know the negative experiences of older carers can dominate the conversation and frighten the younger parent/carers


  • want to maximise the potential learning and support from such encounters


  • know that providing visual resources reaches wider audiences


  • listened to parents tell us that they used the internet including 'YouTube' and parent chat rooms to learn about other peoples' experiences and to access information and support


  • understand that parents and family members value hearing about ‘lived’ experience


  • heard that listening to other parents can make families feel less isolated


You can download a template programme timetable designed to help you plan and deliver a facilitated session. This can be for a stand-alone session or you can adapt it to fit within a wider programme you may be running for parent/carers.

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